The Consortium of FEELIT participated in the second transnational meeting in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) on May 9th and 10th, 2023, hosted by IPP. This meeting marked the first opportunity for the partners to meet in-person since the initial meeting was held virtually due to Covid-19 restrictions. 

During the meeting, the partners discussed various aspects of the FEELIT project’s implementation, which seeks to equip deaf and hard of hearing individuals with the skills to become travel agents. The partners are presently involved in creating and editing video tutorials for the curriculum in Italian, Greek, and Romanian Sign Languages. They also discussed the importance of creating a section of the curriculum that caters to hearing travel agents who have already been certified, allowing them to gain more skills and career prospects while making tourist experiences more accessible and comfortable for deaf and hard of hearing customers. 

The consortium also deliberated on the upcoming phases of the project, including the development of an E-learning platform for accessing the training, a certification system and a PC and VR game illustrating scenarios and various dynamics that may arise. They will also create an online community of FEELIT operators. 

By equipping deaf and hard of hearing individuals with the skills to become travel agents and providing training in different sign languages, the project aims to ensure that everyone has equal access to the opportunities that the tourism industry has to offer. Before developing the material, the consortium analysed the needs and the experiences of deaf and hard of hearing visitors. Click on this link to discover what emerged.

The partners intend to meet again in November, with CEIPES acting as the host. During this meeting, they will continue to work on the project’s implementation, focusing on its final stages. To stay updated on the project’s progress, follow the FEELIT project’s Facebook page!

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